Are you ready to join the homegrown revolution and start growing your own food?
The Homegrown Revolution is the ultimate reader's guide to sustainable food production. Whether you're living in the city or the countryside, this guide provides everything you need to know to get started on your journey towards self-sufficient, sustainable living.
Book 1 from The Homegrown Revolution Series is the ultimate reader's guide for those looking for an introduction to homegrown food, and those starting their journey in growing sustainable food at home.
Join the homegrown revolution and embark on a fruitful journey of growing your own fruits with Book 2 in the series.
Discover the essentials of successful fruit cultivation as we cover every aspect. With step-by-step written instructions, you'll learn the art of planting, watering, and fertilising your fruit crops, all while safeguarding them from pesky pests and adverse weather conditions.
Book 2 in the series discusses easy to grow fruits and more intermediate fruits you can also grow at home. We also cover the health benefits of all the fruits discussed and provide some delicious recipes.
The Niamniamensis Parrot Plant also known as The Congo Cockatoo, is native to the Tropics of Africa. Under the right conditions these plants will flower all year round.